Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Still alive in Kaysville

Hi so sorry time is slipping away so fast I still don't know what I'm doing half the time? Were all fine . Bill got some 4 wheelers so he and the boys get to go do their thing when the opportunity arises, Sara is getting ready for her wedding next May Amber is headed to L.A to the dream center to work with inner city kids. Willie is big in to scouts, reading and playing, Krissy is always trying to find new friends to play with it so hard for her at times, and Gage just finished lacrosse the had an even season no wins but great friends and a new sport. Its diffrent with out Elna around I'm sure it will take time. Mom was here over the 4th and her birthday enough said.


Heidi said...

I am sooo glad you udpated. It sounds like a lot is going on in your household right now. It always makes you wonder what God has in store for you. Hope your boys have fun Tuesday (if Krissy wants to come let me know).

Steven and Megan said...

Wow an update!! Keep them coming!!!!

Sharon said...

Im so glad you updated before Thanksgiving of 2008 came around! Thanks for the update. Although, because you are my favorite sister and we talk so often, I already knew what you were all up to. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Nice update, good job Willie on doing good on scouts.

I hope you have recovered from the visit. Enough said.

Marilyn Hardman said...

You are wonderful. and accomplish so much. Come visit sometime.

Pappa Steve said...

Hey, how about a new update. I keep wondering what everyone is doing and the family is getting so big I can't keep calling everyone all the time. Love yaa, come and see us sometime.


Steve H

Sharon said...

This blog is pathetic! UPDATE!!

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Have Fun