Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Thought from the mom

I should have written this at the the start of my Blog journey, my whole hearted thanks go out to Heidi without whose help I would still be wondering how to set up. I am so very pleased to be a part of the families history blogs that are being created daily, I never was good at keeping a diary now I don't have to, thanks I love the idea of being able to down load such great stories. As most of you know by now our family has grown by 1 Bills mom Elna has come to live with us, she is 92 and still going strong. She loves to shop so if any one needs a shopping partner and would love a great talker feel free to ask Elna along, I am sure she would jump at the chance to be with someone other than me. All my children are doing well Abby is in Colorado with her husband Dennis, I am still not quite sure what it is they do for an income? But she seems to be growing in love and life I believe she is growing up. Sara is still attending school and is working at Step Saver. Amber is the proud owner of an ipod as of last night she was awarded it as incentive for a wonderful goal that she achieved. She has so many plans for life. Willie is my electronics whiz he can't quit talking about Jared what a great inspiration he was for Willie and Gage.(Thanks Jared you ROCK) Gage is my athletic he is into most physical challanges of life, he is great at swimming, and soccer and tormenting Willie and Krissy. Krissy is growing into a very loving and curious young women who has so many friends (I just wish we could see them) Her imagination is in full swing we never have a dull moment. Bill is doing so well with Step Saver we have seen Gods hand in the growth and development of our business. We could'nt be more pleased. And Bill is totally involved in all aspect of the business he can wrap his brain around so many ideas. He does amaze me. We as a family are involved in a musical that is being put on this week-end the 27th 28th &29th at 7: pm in the Bountiful regional center, if you have some time and would like a great date night idea come and join us it is very affordable(free). The name of it is Master Mender. Me I am running for city councile(maybe I should be running from it after the information I am learning) But you know me I love to talk to people, now if I can just be quite and listen to what they have to say(I do need prayer in that area) I might be the person for the job. Please call stop by or write we love you all buncher. Other up dates to follow.


Sharon said...

Brenda, I love that your a blogger now and I love your great pictures! Keep it coming!

Heidi said...

You are so kind to give BOTH Jared and I a shout out in your blog. Love the journal entry too! This blogging thing rocks!

Emily said...

Oh I love hearing what is going on with the Picard Family! I love this whole blogging thing. Heidi is a genius to get us all hooked. It is so wonderful to know what is going on even though I am 2000 miles away. I sure do love you.

Leisa said...

yipee for bloggs. I love that you've joined now i can always know what's going on.

Marilyn Hardman said...

Brenda way to go.

Thanks for the invitation to Master Mender You did a great job.

Crystal said...

I'm so glad you have a blog. I think i've said that before. Blogs rock! Aren't Heidi and Jared so great?! I'm so glad we're related to them. The best part is they don't get sick of us, or if they do, they hide it really well. I sure love you Brenda. Give my loves to the fam